Counters and Play Aids


These counters include (almost) everything you would need to run a duel! This set is rather large because they're print-quality!


All the counters and turning keys you need to play Car Wars with the Classic or Compendium rules. Counter packs include turning keys.
  • 1x Counters - for 1 inch = 1 car length scale.
  • 1.5x Counters - for 1.5 inches = 1 car length scale. (Suitable for MicroMachines and similar cars.)
  • 2x Counters - for 2 inches = 1 car length scale.
  • 3x Counters - for 3 inches = 1 car length scale. (Suitable for Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars.)
  • Turning Keys - In case you're just looking for turning keys. All above sizes are included.


Counters and turning keys for playing CW5 at scales from 1-3 inches!
  • 1" Counters - for 1 inch = 1 car length scale.
  • 1.5" Counters - for 1.5 inches = 1 car length scale. (Suitable for MicroMachines and similar cars.)
  • 2" Counters - for 2 inches = 1 car length scale.
  • 3" Counters - The standard CW5 size.
  • Turning Keys - CW5 turning keys for 1, 1.5, 2, and 3 inch scales.


Rules reference sheets.
  • MMSM Reference - the Miles Messervy Speed Modifiers system for CWC and CW5.


These are forms we use to keep track of what happened at a duel. Each file is a two-page PDF, set up for three-hole punching on Letter size paper.
  • Vehicle Info - links each duelist's walkaround with their mini. Helps when writing up the duel report and picture descriptions. (We have everyone fill out their own section.)
  • Score Tracker - whenever someone scores duel points, record it here. (D1 and D2 are short for "Duelist 1 or 2".)
  • Duel Summary - use this to summarize and add up the scoring from the Score Tracker to get everyone's final score.

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